What type of Insurance is needed to start a new business

How do you insure a new business?
Whether your grand opening is this weekend or you are a brand new business, it is important that you have business insurance. Are you thinking, “Is Business Insurance super expensive?”. Our answer business insurance does not have to be expensive.

We are an independent insurance agent and we can shop and compare business insurance from multiple insurance companies to find the perfect coverage for your business. We are here to help you simplify your search for business insurance. We can give you a background on business insurance rates and how the are calculated and get your first business insurance quote just for your new business.
What type of insurance is needed to start a new business?
How Business Insurance costs are calculated.
Factors that can determine business insurance rates include the gross revenue of the company, location of the company, type of business, past claims loss history, and the total number of employees along with the length of business experience.
What is business insurance and why do I need it?
Business insurance is a contract between a business and an insurance company. Business insurance is important to protect your financial interests in the company. Here are a few of the types of business insurance coverage available.
Property Insurance- protects the building and its contents from fire or weather related losses.
Business Liability Insurance-this coverage protects you in the event of negligence on the part of your business.
Workers Compensation Insurance – Employees covered in the event of injury occurring during your employment.
Commercial Auto Insurance for your company vehicles and company fleet.
How do you insure a new business?
Does a startup need business insurance?
Factors that can determine your business insurance rates:
- Your business classification
- Your business operations, goods or services.
- Your number of employees
- Business Salary and Payroll
- Business Sales Reports and gross revenue
- Loss History and Claims history.
Comparing policy rates and shopping for business insurance online can be confusing and time-consuming. We can help save you time and money and find the perfect business insurance, even if you are new and just starting out.
Workers Compensation Insurance